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    It is so difficult to write something about oneself without sounding pretentious however I am going to attempt one for this blog. My passion in food has been there ever since my childhood days when I almost set our roof on fire during one of my cooking experiments when I was 12. This passion continued (minus the disasters) and today it is my hobby, my greatest interest and hopefully an inroad to my next career.
    I am a Masters in applied Math (IIT Mumbai) by education and have worked extensively as a recruiter and management development professional in the Investment Banking Industry in India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Subsequently I have taught a couple of India Cuisine classes at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York.
    I have written a cook book which is currently with a publisher/agent in the US (fingers crossed it will see the light of the day). I am hoping to be able to share my 3 greatest interests with you via this blog:
    Please join me in this journey by visiting my blog and by sending me messages.
